Horus X guides
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Intermittent fasting and sleep: can fasting improve our nights and our mood?
Whether you've done it before or not, chances are you've heard of intermittent fasting. For some, depriving yourself of food may seem a little crazy, and yet this practice has...
Vision chez l'enfant : comment savoir si mon enfant a besoin de lunettes ?
En tant que parent, nous passons beaucoup de temps à observer nos enfants pour s’assurer que tout va bien. Mais réussir à détecter un problème de vue chez notre progéniture n’est...
The 10 best PC gaming accessories
Whether you are a pro or casual gamer, accessories are essential to your gaming experience. They create an atmosphere, protect your health, and put you in a position to win...
How to find the best screen for working from home
Thanks to Covid-19, more of us work from home now than ever before. Was it always the future? Probably. But thanks to the world shutting down in 2021, it happened...
The complete guide to glasses accessories
Whether its sunglasses, eyeglasses or non-prescription lenses, you want your glasses to look good. Part of that is accessorizing, part of it is keeping your glasses looking clean and like...
How to improve sleep naturally
When you go to bed are you as snug as a bug in a rug? Or are you more of a doomscrolling ants in your pants wriggler? Not everyone can...
Should I choose clear or amber blue light blocking glasses?
With a world of screens in front of our nose, blue light blocking glasses have become a necessity. By filtering out harmful waves of artificial blue light, they save you...
I’m addicted to my phone! How to lessen screen time
If you’re perpetually online, phone glued to your hand, doomed to scroll until the early hours of the morning, or watch just one more Tik Tok video, then you might...
Faire du sport pour mieux dormir : le lien entre sport et sommeil
Marre des endormissements difficiles et des insomnies ? Si tu cherches à bien dormir, un des conseils qui revient souvent est la pratique d'une activité sportive régulière, qui aide à...
Santé au travail : comment lutter contre le travail sédentaire
7h30 : c'est le temps moyen qu'on passe assis chaque jour. Vive la vie d'employé de bureau ! Et la sédentarité au travail est un vrai enjeu de santé !...
Quelle est la meilleure heure pour se coucher : l'heure idéale pour bien dormir
Tous les soirs, c'est la même histoire ! Tu es fatigué, tu sais que c'est l'heure d'aller au lit. Seulement voilà, tu as trop envie de savoir ce qu'il se...
How to reduce screen time: Tips and tricks
Ah, screens! With everything we hear about them these days, it’s hard to know whether they’re our best friends or worst enemies. One thing is clear: the amount of time...