Horus X guides
Visual comfort
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How to choose the right baby sunglasses and at what age should you start?
The sun's rays are good for your morale, they give you a nice tan, but that's not all! It's also a real danger to the eyes (and skin), especially those...
Counterfeiting, lenses of the wrong category, misuse: are sunglasses dangerous?
Wearing sunglasses is stylish, but more importantly, it’s essential to protect your eyes from UV rays and glare. But as always, it’s better to choose quality for real protection! There...
Anti-pollen glasses: which glasses protect against a pollen allergy?
Spring is coming soon, the sun is back, trees are budding and cute little flowers are blooming! Nature reborn, covering the winter grayness with its thousand colors, it's good for...
Why are glasses so expensive?
Imagine this: you're sitting at the optician's to finally pay the bill for your new glasses. And the optical journey has been fraught with pitfalls: finding an appointment with the...
Glasses after refractive surgery (laser / lasik): the complete guide
Are you about to undergo eye surgery to get rid of your glasses? Did you know that after the procedure, it is recommended to wear sunglasses and protective glasses? We...
Motorcycle Sunglasses: Style and Protection for Bikers
Whether you ride a roadster or a Harley Davidson, you know how important safety is on two wheels. And even if you ride like Rossi, it comes down to equipment:...
Tension oculaire : le chocolat rentre-t-il dans les aliments à éviter pour réduire le risque de glaucome ?
Le chocolat, c’est un peu notre petit plaisir coupable à tous. Mais est-il vraiment si coupable que ça ? On entend beaucoup de choses dessus : ça fait grossir, il...
Vision chez l'enfant : comment savoir si mon enfant a besoin de lunettes ?
En tant que parent, nous passons beaucoup de temps à observer nos enfants pour s’assurer que tout va bien. Mais réussir à détecter un problème de vue chez notre progéniture n’est...
How to find the best screen for working from home
Thanks to Covid-19, more of us work from home now than ever before. Was it always the future? Probably. But thanks to the world shutting down in 2021, it happened...
The complete guide to glasses accessories
Whether its sunglasses, eyeglasses or non-prescription lenses, you want your glasses to look good. Part of that is accessorizing, part of it is keeping your glasses looking clean and like...
How to choose prescription glasses: Finding the right frames for your face
If you’re someone who needs to wear glasses 24/7, you want to make sure they look good and fit your style. With so many options to choose from and the...
Quelles sont les différentes formes de lunettes de soleil ? Notre guide complet
Le soleil commence enfin à pointer le bout de son nez, l'occasion de te rappeler qu'une paire de lunettes de soleil n'est pas qu'un accessoire. C'est indispensable pour protéger tes...