The sun's rays are good for your morale, they give you a nice tan, but that's not all!

It's also a real danger to the eyes (and skin), especially those of children. Because yes, your baby's eyes are more fragile than a smartphone without a case.

So, what age should you start with baby sunglasses? We'll tell you everything!

Why are children's eyes very vulnerable to UV rays?

When a baby is exposed to the sun, UV rays reach his eyes.

Children's eyes are like pure crystal in the face of the sun's rays.

Their lens, still too clear, lets through almost everything: UV rays, but also a greater intensity of visible light, blue light... The result? It's the retina that suffers.

According to an opinion from the Scientific Committee on Consumer Affairs (CSC - 2009), the almost transparent lens of a baby under one year old will allow a significant proportion of UVA and UVB rays to pass through to the retina.

Add to that a larger opening of their pupils (which will amplify the passage of UV rays), a retina that is not yet mature, therefore extremely fragile, and you will easily understand why we must protect their little eyes at all costs.

Before the age of 12, a child's eyes absorb up to six times more UV than an adult's. And if these little rascals spend time outside (which is recommended, don't lock your baby inside), exposure is increased. Protecting their eyes from the sun is essential to avoid damage :

Blonde baby boy with sunglasses
  • Discomfort: Children are more sensitive to glare, especially in very sunny conditions, but also in everyday life. This can cause eye discomfort, such as watery or itchy eyes.


  • Eye damage, increased risk of pathologies: in the longer term, your baby is exposed to damage to the retina, the cornea and even a risk of developing cataracts later!


  • Eye fragility: Damaged visual capital at a young age is irreversible. Every unprotected exposure accelerates the aging of the eye.


From what age should you buy sunglasses for babies?

a little boy wearing sunglasses

Basically, as soon as your baby can sit up, which is around 6 months. Before that, it's a little more complicated: rely on shade, UV-protective tents at the beach, and hats that cover the baby. Overall, avoid prolonged exposure of toddlers to the blazing summer sun during the hottest hours.

So yes, we know what you're going to say: getting a baby to wear sunglasses is mission impossible! As soon as they learn to use their little hands, they quickly rip them off (the glasses, not the hands), and you have to start all over again.

We therefore recommend that you gradually get your baby used to it, starting by setting a good example by wearing your glasses outside, making it a game, and showing the patience of a saint :)

You can even opt for a model with an elastic band at the back. Keeping sunglasses on a toddler's head is a bit tedious at first, but it's important.

Our advice for choosing the right sunglasses for children and babies

a little boy wearing sunglasses

You probably know that for babies' eyes, you need to choose the right protection: no more dangers from cheap or poor quality sunglasses!

Some tips for choosing the right sunglasses from a young age:


  • Quality sunglasses that comply with current standards: make sure that the model you choose has the CE standard, in accordance with the legislation. This marking means that the UV400 standard is respected (to filter 100% of UV rays) and that the lens category is mandatory, in addition to being a guarantee of safety and quality.



  • Suitable frame: Choose sunglasses that fit your child's face shape and age. Manufacturers offer baby sunglasses, with categories ranging from 4 to 36 months. A soft frame can also be more comfortable and more adjustable—it's up to you. And of course, choose a lightweight pair.


We obviously advise you to have your baby try on pairs of sunglasses before buying, preferably from a professional.

The final word: at what age should babies wear sunglasses?

a baby wearing sunglasses
  • Toddlers have very fragile eyes, and it's important to protect them! You can try to stay mostly in the shade, cover your little one with a hat, but to really protect babies' eyes, nothing beats sunglasses.


  • So, at what age do you start wearing sunglasses? When you start exposing your baby to the sun more! This stage often occurs between 6 months and 1 year.


  • Well, the theory is great, but babies have a knack for not respecting our logical and thoughtful efforts. And the first time you stick a pair of glasses on the tip of their nose, you're not going to have fun. The key is a gradual introduction, so that the little one gets used to it.


  • In terms of protection, we recommend category 3 lenses, which offer good protection against glare. Make sure you choose glasses that meet CE standards to ensure UV filtering.


  • And of course, don't forget covering clothes and sunscreen!



Tagged: Confort visuel