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une femme ayant des maux de tête au bureau

The headache and the screens | Problems and solutions to avoid migraine

Migraines are waiting for you like velociraptors in the tall grass? What to do when you are victim of huge headaches after only a few hours in front of the...
Tagged: Lumière bleue
un homme utilisant un lecteur de livre électronique tout en buvant du café

Kindle and blue light | Should we protect ourselves?

Ah! Gone are the days of reading the good old Joystick Magazine sitting on the rim of the toilet . Like our co-founder Paul, many prefer to read their favorite...
Tagged: Lumière bleue
Mettre des lentilles de contact sur les mains

Anti blue light lenses | Ultimate Protection?

Are you familiar with blue light blocking glasses and are you wondering if the same technology can be used on contact lenses? We propose to explain to you in detail...
Tagged: Lumière bleue
Les enfants jouent à des jeux vidéo avec des ordinateurs portables et des écouteurs de jeu

Protect children from blue light - The solutions

If you were born before 2000, you probably had a very different childhood to the kids of today. Those of us back then in the stone age of technology didn’t...
Tagged: Lumière bleue

Anti-blue light PC screen filter - our advice

Sight is one of the most important senses for a gamer. It is therefore essential to protect your eyes as best as possible. There are many tricks to thwart the...
Tagged: Lumière bleue
femme tenant un téléphone

Blue Light Blocking Glasses VS Night Mode

Your visual health is important, so it is essential to understand the means at your disposal to effectively protect yourself from blue light exposure and reduce digital eye strain. Today, many applications...
Tagged: Lumière bleue