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Un ophtalmologue examine les yeux d'un patient

How to take care of your pro gamer eyes | The Eye of the Gamer

If there's one thing you should value more than anything, it's the apple of your eye. For us gamers, the eyes are the most important but also the most complex...
Tagged: Gaming
une gameuse utilisant une configuration de jeu sur PC s'amusant à jouer à un jeu d'action multijoueur en ligne

Best gaming setup | How to make a good gaming set up

The right gaming setup is essential for any gamer worthy of the name. It allows you to play in the best conditions, in an inspiring environment, in short, to fully enjoy your gaming experience every single day. It's the...
Tagged: Gaming
une équipe de joueurs professionnels

How to become a pro gamer

Gaming or e-sport is a demanding profession that requires years of training and a certain amount of talent to reach the highest level. The competition is fierce and only the best will stand out. Discover the basics of pro gaming.
Tagged: Gaming
TheFishou : "Le fondement même de ce travail c 'est la passion, il ne faut pas faire ça pour devenir quelqu'un de connu ou pseudo connu"

TheFishou: "The very foundation of this work is passion, you shouldn't do that to become someone famous or pseudo famous"

New interview from our series with Thomas Guedj alias @thefishouhs on Instagram and TheFishou on Youtube. Like every week, we will be asking our gamer friends questions about their experiences,...
Tagged: Gaming
"Mes plus beaux souvenirs sont sur la N64 avec mes 2 frères"

"My best memories are on the N64 with my 2 brothers"

First interview of our series with Mickael Devos aka on Instagram. Like every week, we will be asking our gamer friends questions about their experiences, their challenges and their...
Tagged: Gaming