A sound scarier than a clapper? Your alarm clock. You wake up and it's always the same story: raucous noises, radar movements, glued eyes, mollusk energy... If every morning you feel more like a zombie than a human being, it 's probably time to adopt a morning routine .
So yes, at first glance, it may seem a bit paradoxical to tell you to get up earlier when you are already dragging yourself by having already set your alarm 3 times. And yet, the morning routine can save your day: We explain why and how to adopt an effective morning routine in this article.
Morning routine: what the hell is this?
Let's start at the beginning, shall we? Contrary to what you might believe, the morning routine is not a new trend created by fitness influencers or life coaches, but rather an ancestral practice recognized for its virtues .
History minute: The spirit of the miracle morning actually dates back to a few hundred, if not thousands of years before our era. Over time, several great historical figures have adopted morning routines to start their days on the right foot.
The principle is simple: get up earlier and establish a series of healthy habits as soon as you wake up to start the day off right. Because there is no single routine to favor : the trick is to create the one that suits you best!
Why set up a morning routine?
That's a very good question, and thank you for asking!
You can see it as a natural reset of your body and mind . Because yes, adopting a morning routine can have many benefits:

- ⚡ Natural energy boost : after a night of sleep, your body is ready to activate its production of cortisol (wakefulness hormone), boosting your concentration and productivity.
- 🔵 Circadian rhythm regulation thanks to natural blue light in the morning : your biological clock is particularly receptive to natural light in the morning (mostly composed of blue light), which helps stabilize your sleep-wake cycle.
- 🧘 Fewer distractions : Mornings are often a quiet time, ideal for establishing habits without being disturbed. Stay away from your phone during this time and you will see how much more serenity and free time you will gain!
- ✅ Positive effect on your day : a good morning routine impacts your entire day by improving your well-being, stress management and motivation. A real game changer!
- 👌 Better discipline and consistency : in the morning, your brain is still "fresh", which makes it easier to adopt a regular routine before the unexpected events of the day take over.
- 😴 Better sleep: You may not see the connection at first, but adopting a morning routine can improve your sleep . By establishing a set wake-up and bedtime schedule and recalibrating your body to a natural day/night rhythm, you’re putting all the chances on your side for a deep and restful sleep !
As you will have understood, the morning is therefore the ideal time to establish a routine with little onions . Setting up a morning routine is a bit like equipping your character with buffs before the ultimate boss, aka your overloaded day. It is an effective solution to be more productive , have a good lifestyle and take care of your mental health.
Tips for Creating a Personalized Morning Routine: The Do's and Don'ts
🤓 It's time to take notes and discover our expert tips for a top morning routine . Basic principles to create your own routine and start your day off right!
👍 DOs: fixed schedule, a large glass of water, physical activity, healthy breakfast

- ⏰ Wake up at a fixed time : even if it may seem hard to get out of bed earlier, after a few days, your body will have gotten into the habit. You will align yourself with a natural beneficial rhythm and this will allow you to take time for yourself from the start of the day.
- 🌅 Expose yourself to natural light : allows your body and mind to align with the circadian rhythm and enjoy a shot of energy + concentration.
- 🚰 Drink a large glass of water : as soon as you wake up, drinking water is essential. Your body has just spent several hours without water (and therefore slightly dehydrated), so it is a basic gesture for your hydration. But it also helps eliminate toxins, boost the natural awakening process, improve blood circulation, cut the feeling of hunger and stimulate your metabolism.
- 👟 Do some sport : We can see you frowning, but this is an essential step! No need to run 10 km (unless you like it), the main thing is to schedule a physical activity time adapted to your fitness level and your desires . It could be a yoga session, stretching, easy exercises to do at home, but also going for a run, a walk... So, put on your sports clothes and get moving!
- 🙏 Taking care of your mental health : another essential . In the morning, everything is often calmer, more conducive to relaxation and introspection. Take the time to do a little meditation , or just empty your mind, anchor some positive thoughts, in short, a real time for you can greatly help you face the day.
- 📋 Make a to-do list : it can help you visualize your day better, write down your different goals, prepare them with a clear and concise list . Sort out what is essential and superfluous to see things more clearly!
- 🥝 Have a balanced breakfast : obviously, you can't start the day without fuel. To avoid giving in to sugary snacks swallowed in a hurry, think about defining a healthy but complete breakfast model. Whether you're a salty or sweet team, don't neglect any component and choose according to your tastes! Everything is essential : proteins (eggs, plant-based desserts, fresh cheese, etc.), whole carbohydrates such as oatmeal porridge, wholemeal bread (with a low glycemic index to last all morning), fruit (fiber, vitamins and minerals). You can also prepare breakfast the night before to save time. If you are a fan of intermittent fasting , adjust your breakfast time accordingly. Finally, you can also integrate taking food supplements (vitamin D in particular) into this routine.
👎 The DON'Ts: snooze repeatedly, take out your phone, start with a coffee
- ↩️ Pushing back the alarm time : we see you in the back, activating the snooze every morning! Know that not only does it not really allow you to grab “useful” minutes of sleep, but it can also harm your sleep and make you more tired (and late, by the way)
- 📱 Pull out your smartphone : your eyes are barely open and you're already on your phone? BZZZT ❌, first misstep! By doing this, not only are you wasting precious time ( doomscrolling , that time warp we all know), but it can also put you in a state of hypervigilance and stress . Emails and notifications will have to wait.
- ⚫️ Stay in the dark : we told you about it above, the best way to wake up your body naturally is sunlight. So open those shutters and get out of your cave!
- ☕️ Coffee first : If you are one of those who consider that the morning does not start before having a coffee, we will disappoint you. We recommend that you wait before drinking your coffee : 1 hour after waking up (at least!) to avoid a too sudden cortisol spike.
- 🛋️ Staying inactive : You need movement! Sitting or lying in bed won't help you wake up.
- 🤯 “Mental load” mode activated : yes, making a list to plan your day is great. On the other hand, starting to ruminate in a loop, overthink and stress as soon as you wake up is a big no.
- ❌ Skipping breakfast or eating too much sugar : we're not talking about fasting here, but about a disturbed or unsuitable dietary balance. And if you eat too much sugar, you risk seeing your blood sugar skyrocket before crashing at the end of the morning: a bad plan to start your day.
If adopting this new routine seems too complicated, you can do it in stages : the most important thing is to find the routine that will suit you best to stick with it over time and make it a moment that you won't be able to do without!
Morning Routine Examples: Team Horus X's Favorites

The advice we have just given you should give you a direction to take, to then adapt it to your schedule, your professional activity, your preferences. This routine can therefore be totally different from one individual to another , while keeping the basic principles.
At Horus X, we know the morning routine well.
To give you not one but two examples, here are those of Stéphane and Paul, two of our co-founders.
Paul's Morning Routine | Stéphane's morning routine |
The final word: morning skincare routine
A morning routine is the set of actions you do every morning to prepare for your day like a pro. A bit like a tutorial before entering the adventure mode of your daily life: a moment to align your body and mind, collect power-ups (a good glass of water, a few stretches, a dose of meditation, etc.) and get yourself in condition to face the challenges of the day.
Establishing a morning routine allows you to start the day healthily : take time for yourself, adopt good habits to stay in shape, hydrate yourself, eat a healthy breakfast, do a short workout, meditate, do your yoga session... By getting up earlier, you find the time to get ready in complete peace of mind , and that makes all the difference.
This new habit helps reduce stress, have a healthy lifestyle, boost your metabolism and align your body with its natural circadian rhythm . To make sure that this morning routine will be truly beneficial, it is essential to follow certain instructions: avoid screens and artificial blue light, to align with natural light and go at your own pace.